Sunday, August 15, 2010

It is not too late to buy tickets for the Riverside High School 20 Year Class Reunion!

The sales deadline is August 20th 2010 and you can still buy tickets online

Here's a link to PayPal followed by the list of people who will be attending the reunion...We hope to see you there :)


The Guest List
1. Brian Reynolds
2. Stuart Bennett
3. Jenny (Dick) Goodnough
4. Frank Fatica
5. Marilyn (Ross) Vihtelic
6. Jeffrey Kimble
7. Fah-lee Longar
8. Gregory Reynard
9. David Neuhofs
10. Roger Eubank
11. David Goodfield
12. Kelly (Vance) Nelson
13. Richard Nicely
14. Michelle (Calhoun) Pomfrey
15. David Close
16. Andre Roach
17. Christine (Westlake) Blue
18. Matthew Klyn
19. Jerry Turcie
20. Todd Livengood
21. Rachel Wiese Shafer
22. Melanie Eager
23. David Carpenter
24. Melissa (Pomeroy) Graham
25. Mike Herman
26. Nicole (Landgraf) Brandes
27. Shirley (Lassnick) Baideme
28. Fred Lawson
29. Ed Lawson
30. Melissa Rettger
31. Frank Szeker
32. Mark Kati
33. Gary Reed
34. Randy Karlovec
35. Jacque Bosworth-Sparent
36. Lisa (Nighman) Murray
37. Melinda (Damren) Oliver
38. Jeffrey Gromack
39. Wendy (Palek) McNeil
40. Jennifer (Lintala) Davenport
41. Kym (Knoke) Lunardi
42. Jason McKinney
43. Brandon Dynes
44. Michael McGeehan
45. Kelly Vance
46. Jim Paugh
47. David Williams
48. Tonya (Henry) Williams
49. Scott Webster
50. Tara Pohl Webster
51. Tracey (Ortiz) Salazar
52. Nikki Lambert
53. Kris Kavaras
54. Carey (Dodd) Barriball
55. Theodore (Nate) Karle
56. Doug Ward
57. Eric Chang
58. Michelle (Moore) Gifford
59. Ryan Nicholson
60. Dannette (Martin) Grant
61. Jennifer (Waite) Collier
62. Curtis Williams
63. Kelly Tuttle
64. Tracy Warner
65. Douglas Gladen
66. Melissa Derrick
67. J.R. Richner
68. Suzanne (Schwartz) Hrwatzki
69. John Curlin
70. Tanya Berg
71. Tonya Farmer-Niemeyer
72. Darcie Raimey
73. Karla Eller Parker
74. Bob Lawson Jr.
75. Bob Daniels
76. Glenda Hayhurst
77. Scot Miles
78. Lori Getzy Emrisko
79. Debbie Dubeansky
80. Tim Rigby
81. Chip Vosicky
82. Holly Remington Kubaney
83. Steve Williams (Family Day Only)
84. Terry Castilyn (Family Day Only)