Monday, April 5, 2010

1990 20 yr Reunion Invitation and Information

Riverside High School Class of 1990

Twenty Year Class Reunion

September 4th - 5th, 2010

“Getting together to celebrate the past, the present, and the future! Together we will share the memories of those ol’ RHS days and the memories of the classmates who we may have lost over the years. It’s time to make more memories that we will hold onto and cherish for years to come.”

Schedule of Reunion Events

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The reception will be at Capelli’s in Willoughby from 7:00pm-11:00pm

The party can continue at the attached Hotel Martini Bar after 11pm.

Hearty Appetizers

Full Bar and Martini Bar at reception

DJ-Rockin’ Ron Gardner

50/50 Raffle-proceeds go to future reunion fund

Discounted Rooms Available - mention RHS 1990 Reunion when booking

Donation box to start a Scholarship Fund in honor of our deceased classmates of 1990

There will be NO door sales. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Thanks.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

11:00 am Tree Planting Ceremony and Tour of the High School

We will be planting a tree at Riverside High School in honor of our deceased classmates and those who have served in the military.

Following the tree planting ceremony there will be a tour of the building for anyone interested “walking the halls again” and seeing the changes that have happened over the years or showing their families the “old stomping grounds”.

1:00 pm Perry Outdoor YMCA Family Day

All YMCA members are FREE. Remember to bring your YMCA cards.

Non members - youth $7.00, adults $8

Bring your own picnic lunches and drinks

Maple Pavilion, Swimming pool, Putt-Putt, hiking, volleyball

Corn hole tournament, organized “kid games”

YMCA closes at 7:45 pm

Riverside High School Class of 1990 20 Year Reunion

Please fill out the following information and return, along with your check to Karla (Eller) Parker at 7485 Spring Blossom Dr. Mentor, Oh 44060 or email your information to Karla at Make checks payable to Karla Parker. There is also an online payment option available for those interested in online registration and payment. We hope to have everyone registered and paid by August 1st.

Please email the information and a photo attachment to Tonya (Farmer) Niemeyer at It does not have to be a professional portrait. A snapshot of you and your family and/or pets will be fine. If you prefer to mail the information and picture you can mail it to Tonya at 15 Harvest Court, Minster OH 45865. We will also be using your information to compile an updated directory of our classmates in The Class of 1990 20th Reunion Booklet. You will receive your copy at the reunion. Please send this information and picture by July 1st. We would like to hear from you and update your information for the booklet even if you cannot attend the reunion. Thanks! J

Will you be attending the 20 Year Reunion?

_________Single ($50) _______Couple ($95) ________Cannot Attend

_________Cannot attend but would like a book ($10)

_________Attending Tree Planting and Tour ________Attending YMCA

Name (please include maiden name):____________________________________________

Guest: _______________________________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________

Phone landline #: ___________________________Cell #:______________________________

Email: _______________________________________________________________________________

Spouse’s Name: ______________________________________________________________________

Spouse’s Hometown: _________________________________________________________________

Name and Ages of Children: ___________________________________________________________


Grandchildren (if possible): ___________________________________________________________

Occupation & Employer: ______________________________________________________________

Spouses Occupation & Employer: ______________________________________________________

Were you in the Military? _____ Branch: _____________________________________________

Comments/Life Now: _________________________________________________________________
