Sunday, August 15, 2010
It is not too late to buy tickets for the Riverside High School 20 Year Class Reunion!
Here's a link to PayPal followed by the list of people who will be attending the reunion...We hope to see you there :)
The Guest List
1. Brian Reynolds
2. Stuart Bennett
3. Jenny (Dick) Goodnough
4. Frank Fatica
5. Marilyn (Ross) Vihtelic
6. Jeffrey Kimble
7. Fah-lee Longar
8. Gregory Reynard
9. David Neuhofs
10. Roger Eubank
11. David Goodfield
12. Kelly (Vance) Nelson
13. Richard Nicely
14. Michelle (Calhoun) Pomfrey
15. David Close
16. Andre Roach
17. Christine (Westlake) Blue
18. Matthew Klyn
19. Jerry Turcie
20. Todd Livengood
21. Rachel Wiese Shafer
22. Melanie Eager
23. David Carpenter
24. Melissa (Pomeroy) Graham
25. Mike Herman
26. Nicole (Landgraf) Brandes
27. Shirley (Lassnick) Baideme
28. Fred Lawson
29. Ed Lawson
30. Melissa Rettger
31. Frank Szeker
32. Mark Kati
33. Gary Reed
34. Randy Karlovec
35. Jacque Bosworth-Sparent
36. Lisa (Nighman) Murray
37. Melinda (Damren) Oliver
38. Jeffrey Gromack
39. Wendy (Palek) McNeil
40. Jennifer (Lintala) Davenport
41. Kym (Knoke) Lunardi
42. Jason McKinney
43. Brandon Dynes
44. Michael McGeehan
45. Kelly Vance
46. Jim Paugh
47. David Williams
48. Tonya (Henry) Williams
49. Scott Webster
50. Tara Pohl Webster
51. Tracey (Ortiz) Salazar
52. Nikki Lambert
53. Kris Kavaras
54. Carey (Dodd) Barriball
55. Theodore (Nate) Karle
56. Doug Ward
57. Eric Chang
58. Michelle (Moore) Gifford
59. Ryan Nicholson
60. Dannette (Martin) Grant
61. Jennifer (Waite) Collier
62. Curtis Williams
63. Kelly Tuttle
64. Tracy Warner
65. Douglas Gladen
66. Melissa Derrick
67. J.R. Richner
68. Suzanne (Schwartz) Hrwatzki
69. John Curlin
70. Tanya Berg
71. Tonya Farmer-Niemeyer
72. Darcie Raimey
73. Karla Eller Parker
74. Bob Lawson Jr.
75. Bob Daniels
76. Glenda Hayhurst
77. Scot Miles
78. Lori Getzy Emrisko
79. Debbie Dubeansky
80. Tim Rigby
81. Chip Vosicky
82. Holly Remington Kubaney
83. Steve Williams (Family Day Only)
84. Terry Castilyn (Family Day Only)
Saturday, July 24, 2010
There are other events going on during the weekend of our class reunion that I would like to share with you :)
1.) Concord Community Days
The Community Days Committee, in conjunction with Concord Township, will be celebrating its 39th annual Concord Community Days celebration on September 4th & 5th.
2.) The Miller Paul Marut Memorial Walk/Run
The proceeds from the memorial walk/run are used to support the Riverside Local School District. The fund supports the 6 elementary schools, the middle school, the junior high and the high school within the district. Follow the link below for more details...
3. Possible Co-ed Softball Game?
The group is planning to have a Auburn Rd. vs JRW pick-up game. The game is for both men and women, but will only take place if there is interest. For more information, contact Bob Lawson (Team JRW) at or Jeff Gromack (Team Auburn Rd) at
If you had problems purchasing admission online using PayPal, those issues have been resolved and PayPal is up and running. You can also use a check to purchase tickets online in addition to credit cards. In case you were wondering, we are not issuing actual tickets but using a guest list to track admission.
The Comfort Inn is telling people that there are no available rooms, but you have to mention RHS1990Reunion to receive a room, which as of yesterday are around $80/night.
DON'T FORGET: If you are attending FAMILY DAY ONLY you MUST purchase your $20 admission in ADVANCE. The Y membership will only cover the use of the pool and other YMCA associated amenities. Participation in the reunion activities REQUIRE a payment of $20.
I think I have covered everything related to reunion news. If you have any questions, concerns or comments, PLEASE do not hesitate to send me a confidential message :)
Best Wishes,
Monday, July 19, 2010
Purchase Your Reunion Admission Online Using PayPal
Select your desired Admission option and click the 'Buy Now' button to make your purchase
Monday, April 5, 2010
1990 20 yr Reunion Invitation and Information
Riverside High School Class of 1990
Twenty Year Class Reunion
September 4th - 5th, 2010
“Getting together to celebrate the past, the present, and the future! Together we will share the memories of those ol’ RHS days and the memories of the classmates who we may have lost over the years. It’s time to make more memories that we will hold onto and cherish for years to come.”
Schedule of Reunion Events
Saturday, September 4, 2010
The reception will be at Capelli’s in Willoughby from 7:00pm-11:00pm
The party can continue at the attached Hotel Martini Bar after 11pm.
• Hearty Appetizers
• Full Bar and Martini Bar at reception
• DJ-Rockin’ Ron Gardner
• 50/50 Raffle-proceeds go to future reunion fund
• Discounted Rooms Available - mention RHS 1990 Reunion when booking
• Donation box to start a Scholarship Fund in honor of our deceased classmates of 1990
There will be NO door sales. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Thanks.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
11:00 am Tree Planting Ceremony and Tour of the High School
We will be planting a tree at Riverside High School in honor of our deceased classmates and those who have served in the military.
Following the tree planting ceremony there will be a tour of the building for anyone interested “walking the halls again” and seeing the changes that have happened over the years or showing their families the “old stomping grounds”.
1:00 pm Perry Outdoor YMCA Family Day
• All YMCA members are FREE. Remember to bring your YMCA cards.
• Non members - youth $7.00, adults $8
• Bring your own picnic lunches and drinks
• Maple Pavilion, Swimming pool, Putt-Putt, hiking, volleyball
• Corn hole tournament, organized “kid games”
• YMCA closes at 7:45 pm
Riverside High School Class of 1990 20 Year Reunion
Please fill out the following information and return, along with your check to Karla (Eller) Parker at 7485 Spring Blossom Dr. Mentor, Oh 44060 or email your information to Karla at Make checks payable to Karla Parker. There is also an online payment option available for those interested in online registration and payment. We hope to have everyone registered and paid by August 1st.
Please email the information and a photo attachment to Tonya (Farmer) Niemeyer at It does not have to be a professional portrait. A snapshot of you and your family and/or pets will be fine. If you prefer to mail the information and picture you can mail it to Tonya at 15 Harvest Court, Minster OH 45865. We will also be using your information to compile an updated directory of our classmates in The Class of 1990 20th Reunion Booklet. You will receive your copy at the reunion. Please send this information and picture by July 1st. We would like to hear from you and update your information for the booklet even if you cannot attend the reunion. Thanks! J
Will you be attending the 20 Year Reunion?
_________Single ($50) _______Couple ($95) ________Cannot Attend
_________Cannot attend but would like a book ($10)
_________Attending Tree Planting and Tour ________Attending YMCA
Name (please include maiden name):____________________________________________
Guest: _______________________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Phone landline #: ___________________________Cell #:______________________________
Email: _______________________________________________________________________________
Spouse’s Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Spouse’s Hometown: _________________________________________________________________
Name and Ages of Children: ___________________________________________________________
Grandchildren (if possible): ___________________________________________________________
Occupation & Employer: ______________________________________________________________
Spouses Occupation & Employer: ______________________________________________________
Were you in the Military? _____ Branch: _____________________________________________
Comments/Life Now: _________________________________________________________________
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Missing Classmates
-Your name is on this list
-You know of someone who should be invited to the reunion (regardless of graduation status or change in residence)
-You can help us find someone on this list
The email address is
Rachel Adams Wendy Andrews Rob Archer John Austin Amy Backos Katrina Barnum Carl Bartholomew Jenny Baxter Stu Bennett Amy Bosiacki Matthew Bowers Wally Brainard Barry Breedlove Jenny Brenner Cynthia Burke Jennifer Calhoun Dave Carpenter Terry Castilyn James Cefalo Tina Cesa Eric Chang Cathy Clement Mark Contorno Shawn Cook Jon Czomba Chuck Davis Michelle DeFratis Anthony Depenses Dave DiFranco Richard Donley Tammy Drotleff Chad Eisler Terese Elersich Handan Erodogan Dawn Ernst Lisa Eslinger Derek Esso Roger Eubank Shawn Feazell Traci Fike Lisa Fox William Gallo Monica Garner Keith Gebeau Diana Gerber Jeff Gerber Terri Glendenning Anthony Goble David Goodfield Julie Gragg Erica Griffiths | Melissa Halfhill Meriah Hartigan David Harvey Jennifer Healan Adam Herbert Matthew Hinz Kelly Hodgson Kim Hodgson Charlotte Holmes Geneva Howe Dave Hughes Melissa Jones Jason Kalina Christine Kallay Brad Karlovec Mark Kati Kris Kavares Sandra Kawalec Bill Keller Kim Kepes Shawn Kessler John Kinder Mayy Klyn Scott Knebusch Kim Knoke Holly Kubacki Joy LaFrance Ed Lawson Dana Lette Todd Liebenauer Todd Livengood Jennifer Lockhom Michael Ludwig Timothy Lynch Paul Madda Melissa Manley Rebecca Maruschak Jimmy Matthews Tami Mathis Jeff McCoy Michelle McKenna Todd McLaughlin Richard Meier Matthew Merrell Andrew Metzler Heidi Mihalek Derek Morrison Reece Morrison Chad Murphy Louis Musacchio Katrina Musalem James Nesmith | Rachel Newnes Jamie Nucciaroni Craig Olwert Holly Panfil Kristen Parkhurst Sondra Parsons Saileshi Patel Jeff Perry Dawn Petrowski Brian Phillips Jason Platt Paul Polcar Anthony Puinno Margaret Raynor Ann Reed Robert Rodriguez Richard Rose Traci Rose Tabitha Roskelly Marilyn Ross Scott Rubes Jay Ruddle Lori Ruggeri Brenda Rusnak Pakorn Ruteerayuth Todd Sale Danine Schultz Stefan Schunk Tina Senft Bob Sinkovich Kimberly Sironen Cathy Skinner James Snowden Kevin Stich Scott Stillasano Denzil Swiger Kevin Thomas Melanie Thomas Melanie Thompson Nanette Trader Kathy Vance Sonia Vermilye Geoff Walther Kevin Werner Jason Whitehair Jeremy Willis Wayne Wyno Dena Zahursky Gina Zak Steve Ziemak Aaron Zinkowich James Zuber |